B. Jenet – 91

February 5, 2022

B. Jenet and Gato are my go-tos in MOTW (after Terry obvs) so I’m pretty chuffed about this DLC. Also, that’s 80 of these palettes done! 20 more to go. Whooo! Have slowed down considerably with personal work but hopefully I can finish the rest this year? Fingers crossed.

Shermie – 08

April 22, 2021

I told y’all I was gonna do Shermie when she got announced. Will I do Chris to complete the New Face Team? Maaaybe. Let’s see what he looks like first.

Vanessa – 02

February 12, 2021

Keeping the SNK train rolling. Kind of a simple one but I tried more action poses and couldn’t land on one that wasn’t her KOF2000 char select portrait which is just perfect. Also, not quite a boxing pose here but hey, I dig it. Hope she makes it to...

Vice – 75

September 29, 2020

Things you’ll see a lot of in these moving forward: Dragon Ball characters and fighting game characters. Here’s Vice in her KOFXIII outfit, which is also her best outfit.

Leona Heidern – 24

April 21, 2020

This feed needs more SNK. Gonna try to tackle something more hefty next. Got Fugo, a couple Mario fights and those last 2 pieces I posted to go through.  PS: KOFXV is the game I’ve seen absolutely nothing of that I’m most excited about.