Marisa + Manon
Found the time to draw Marisa. And Manon too. Nod to Akiman’s goat Chun vs. Mai piece.
Found the time to draw Marisa. And Manon too. Nod to Akiman’s goat Chun vs. Mai piece.
I did it! That’s all seasons of SFV covered. Bring on Street Fighter 6.
I… I don’t think I’ve ever drawn Chun Li before. Yes, I looked at a lot of Kinu Nishimura art for this and yes, she’s the best Capcom artist of that era. I don’t say that lightly.
Sketchy stuff is fun. I tried to put some kind of background but I kinda dig it with just the yellow. Violent Ken. What a dumb, great name.
Found myself listening to the 3rd Strike soundtrack and one thing led to another so here’s Remy. Palette works really nicely for him, I think. Started shading it but I dig the flat colors for once. This one is 25/100, a quarter of the way there!
This took a while but it’s done! I don’t plan my coloring a ton and it was an act of pure magic how the characters with a cooler palette ended on the left and how the warmer ones ended on the right AND how they match Gill’s crossed arms....
Dapper Cody is best Cody. I tend to favor symmetrical compositions in multi-character pieces so made a conscious effort to not do that here. Been working on this for a while. Maybe it’s a little overcooked.
This is for Udon’s SF Summer Sports Special fan art contest. Would love to make it in as I love seeing my work in print so here’s hoping. There’s one character for every Street Fighter series and that’s totally intentional. Fingers crossed!
My second piece for Page14Crew presents Joystick Vol 1. “Nostalgia” which is a little book you can now pre-order! So go check that out ASAP! Couple of things I like about this piece: Ryu and Terry’s hobo bags, Ryu doesn’t know how to use a controller, boisterous Mai and Blanka-Chan.
Real talk: I don’t really love the SF Season 1 piece I did a couple of months ago. I think it’s bloated and confusing and hard to read. Put a lot of work into it but, sadly, I feel the results were not there. Thankfully, that only served to...